Digital tools for social participation

We are dedicated to building free and sovereign digital platforms as a support for the cultivation of technopolitical communities that promote social participation beyond physical limitations.

Find with us solutions to launch a municipal governance plan, encourage social participation or provide a participation tool for your city or organization that intends to run for elected office through a collaborative campaign with a view to implementing a participatory mandate.

For this, we work on the implementation of agile, safe and ethical applications to create viable technologies that promote social participation, cultivation of civic communities, self-managed organizations and the defense of democracy.

Our portfolio

We are specialists in the implementation of the social participation platform Decidim, developed with free, open and secure software. It was implemented in order to strengthen democratic movements around the world. Helping people and public, private and community organizations to self-organize democratically at all scales from a neighborhood, a city, a state and even a country.

We act in the implementation, customization and training for the use of Decidim, making it available based on the software-as-a-service model (SaaS). Which allows any person, government or organization to have access to the social participation environment in a few hours without worrying about the technical issues of installation and scaling, calibrating its focus to the creation and animation of participatory processes and cultivation of participation networks.

Below are some of the Decide instances in which we participated in installation, customization, process flow development and training.

Through the Voices for Climate Action project of Hivos, we implemented a popular participation platform focused on organizing and disseminating the debate on the environment and climate, the Plantaformas.

We work on the implementation of the permanent social participation platform of the City Hall of Belém Tá Selado! in partnership with CINBESA.

We are currently working in a collaborative partnership with Dataprev and LAPPIS of UnB for the implementation of the social participation platform of the federal government called Brasil Participativo.


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